Upcoming events.

Flock & Flow / Float
to Apr 25

Flock & Flow / Float

Registration Opens 17 January 2025 at 12:00 EST

Come Fly With Us At Our Spring Camp!

We Will Be Collaborating With Ascend’s Angle Camp. Sign Up For Both Camps To Receive Exclusive Discounts On Registration Fees!

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Flock & Float // Ascend Camp
to Apr 19

Flock & Float // Ascend Camp

Come Fly With Us At Our Spring Camp!

We Will Be Collaborating With Ascend’s Angle Camp. Sign Up For Both Camps To Receive Exclusive Discounts On Registration Fees!
Do Not Miss This Unique Opportunity!

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Flock & Flow // Ascend Camp
to Apr 19

Flock & Flow // Ascend Camp

Come Fly With Us At Our Spring Camp!

We Will Be Collaborating With Ascend’s Angle Camp. Sign Up For Both Camps To Receive Exclusive Discounts On Registration Fees!
Do Not Miss This Unique Opportunity!

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Mountain Flocking & Flying 2023
to Jun 25

Mountain Flocking & Flying 2023

This camp is designed for participants to learn more about the mountain environment, approaching the mountain as a team and then proximity fly down various mountains in the Soca Valley.

Registration is open

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Mountain Access
to May 28

Mountain Access

This 3 Day Camp is designed to give you access to mountain viewing. We will take you through all the steps necessary to complete safe and fun flights in the beautiful mountains around the Soca Valley. Registration is open

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Flock and Float Fall 2022
to Oct 29

Flock and Float Fall 2022

Canopy flight and canopy flocks have become increasingly popular in recent years. This camp is designed for people who are looking to get into canopy flocking. The camp will go over approaches, builds, relative flying, control inputs and more. Regardless of the canopy you fly this camp is focusing on building on the skill and experience you already have from flying.

Camp format:
- Limited to 15 slots
- 3.5 days, Wednesday through Saturday.
- We'll organize into small groups based off wing loading and canopy and try to stay in the same groups throughout the camp.
- WEDNESDAY afternoon 14:00 (2PM) we'll have a mandatory safety briefing and warm up jumps.
- Arrive Wednesday morning to make sure you fill out a waiver and put money on account.
- Registration is $455
- Jump ticket prices during the event to cover a videographer will be $35
- Cancellations/Refunds will only be given more than 30 days prior to the event if your slot is filled. Within 30 days of the event, you'll be charged a $125 fee even if your slot is filled.

- At least 300 jumps (and reference from a reputable canopy coach)
- Must have taken a canopy course in the last 2 years
- Desired WL between 1.4-1.8
- Must be aware of other jumpers location and have situational awareness under canopy
- Must demonstrate the ability to approach a canopy safely and stable
- Must demonstrate the ability to maintain quadrant specific slot.
- Must be disciplined about break off as well as understand landing order & separation

How to register:
Register here: LINK

Please fill out the form entirely and be honest with your skill set. After submitting the form, you'll need to submit payment. The slot is only reserved when you submit payment!

*If you over-estimate your skills and are deemed unsafe to participate, you will not receive a refund for registration. If you are unsure please reach out and talk honestly and you'll be guided through the conversation.*

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Flock and Flow Fall 2022
to Oct 22

Flock and Flow Fall 2022

Canopy flight and high performance flocks have become increasingly popular in recent years. Now we're adding the element of movement to these normally static jumps. This camp is designed to add the dynamic portion to canopy flight and push the limits of flying. Regardless of the canopy you fly this camp is focusing on building on the skill and experience you already have from flying.

Camp format:
- Limited to 15 slots
- 3.5 days, Wednesday through Saturday.
- We'll organize into groups of 5 and try to stay in the same groups throughout the camp. We'll start with static builds and fall rates then quickly move into dynamic lines and moving pieces.
- Each group has a professional videographer.
- WEDNESDAY afternoon 14:00 (2PM) we'll have a mandatory safety briefing and warm up jumps. This will allow us to use Thursday as a full jumping day.
- Arrive Wednesday morning to make sure you fill out a waiver and put money on account.
- Registration is $455
- Jump ticket prices during the event to cover a videographer will be $35
- Cancellations/Refunds will only be given more than 30 days prior to the event. Within 30 days of the event, you'll be charged $125 even if your slot is filled.

- At least 500 jumps on cross braced wing (and/or reference from a reputable canopy coach)
- Desired WL between 2.2-2.9
- Must demonstrate disciplined heading control post deployment while retrieving FULL RDS
- Must be aware of other jumpers location & intended build location while reeling in RDS
- Must demonstrate the ability to approach a high performance canopy safely and stable
- Must demonstrate the ability to maintain quadrant specific slot.
- Must be disciplined about break off as well as understand landing order & separation

How to register:
Register here: LINK

Please fill out the form entirely and be honest with your skill set. After submitting the form, you'll need to submit payment. The slot is only reserved when you submit payment!

*If you over-estimate your skills and are deemed unsafe to participate, you will not receive a refund for registration. If you are unsure please reach out and talk honestly and you'll be guided through the conversation.*

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Leaders Course
to Oct 1

Leaders Course

Canopy flight and canopy flocks have become increasingly popular in recent years. With that, the demand for knowledgeable and competent coaches has grown. This camp is designed for experienced flocking pilots who are looking to plan and lead canopy flocking jumps safely.

Key learning objectives for the camp are engineering and leading jumps, while promoting a culture of safety around flocking. We look to equip you with the necessary tools you need such as; planning, weather considerations, exit points, break off points, DZ specifics, team management, speed settings, heading management, etc .

Camp format:
- Limited slots
- Groups of 4 with one coach
- We will start Wednesday morning with a mandatory Briefing/Classroom
- Arrive Tuesday before sunset to make sure you fill out a waiver and put money on account.
- Jump ticket prices during the event will be $35
- Cancellations/Refunds will only be given more than 30 days prior to the event if your slot is filled. Within 30 days of the event, you'll be charged a $125 fee even if your slot is filled.

- Having attended at least one of Momentum’s Camps or a reference from reputable Coach

How to register:
- Register here: LINK

- Registration cost: $550

Please fill out the form entirely. After submitting the form, you'll need to submit payment. The slot is only reserved when you submit payment!

*If you over-estimate your skills and are deemed unsafe to participate, you will not receive a refund for registration. If you are unsure please reach out and talk honestly and you'll be guided through the conversation.*

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